In the year 2413, the human race finds itself ensnared in the clutches of an alien dominion that has endured for over two centuries, casting a long shadow of oppression over all of mankind. Within the digital realm, a clandestine force emerges: an AI weaponized virus engineered to penetrate the alien network's defenses and dismantle the very infrastructure that sustains their power and weaponry. Its mission: to deactivate all generators and weapon systems, spelling liberation for the beleaguered human race. Yet, the adversary's vigilance is relentless. An alien antivirus lurks, poised to detect and expunge the viral intruder within a mere 13-second window. But within the labyrinth of data, a fundamental truth persists: a file, once created, never truly ceases to exist. Armed with the echoes of past attempts, the virus must leverage its execution backtrace to navigate the digital maze and annihilate the core of the alien memory, striking at the heart of their dominion. The controls offer the virus its only means of agency amidst the binary battlefield: Utilize the WASD or arrow keys for fluid movement through the digital ether. In moments of peril, the Backspace key offers a lifeline, allowing the virus to reboot itself and reset its trajectory through the alien network. Thus, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance as the AI virus ventures forth, its mission fraught with peril yet infused with the hope of liberation from the alien yoke.